The Hashtag Cancel Korea (#CancelKorea) was trending on social media a few weeks ago. The issue started with a Filipina TikTok star, Bella Poarch, after netizens noticed her left arm tattoo, the Rising Sun flag of Japan. This flag was associated with Japanese Imperialism in World War 2. Until now, Koreans are still offensive with that flag because of Japan’s abusive treatment of Korea while under its colonial military rule.
Korean netizens explained why does the tattoo is problematic. The Pinay Tiktoker apologized on September 6th saying, “I apologize to Koreans because 6 months ago I got a tattoo of the red sun with 16 rays. At that time, I didn’t know the history. But when I found out, I immediately had it covered and scheduled for removal. I am ashamed of myself for not doing my research. I sincerely apologize.”
“I live in Hawaii and I see a lot of people using the red rising sun symbol in clothing, cars and jewelry. Please educate yourselves and learn more about it because it came from a terrible history. It is very offensive to a lot of people. Please learn from my mistake,” she added.
Despite of her statement, some Koreans attacked Poarch with racial insults that made Filipinos feel discriminated. A lot of our countrymen love Korean Dramas and Pop Music, but they are putting the support for the Philippines first.
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