- Centralized platform to manage all the tasks. It allows the manager to assign and keep every project together in one place. Using such a system, avoids the risk of losing information, important chores, and deadlines.
- Helps to prioritize tasks. All the assigned tasks are listed so that, employees will not forget these and get the job done on or before the deadline. They can also track down the important ones and do it immediately in the right way.
- Flexibility on accessing data. Users can access the database anytime and anywhere. You don’t have to be in the workplace to finish tasks because all the required data are in the system.
- Monitor the amount of time spent on tasks. It estimates employees’ productivity and the manager can decide whether the incomplete task will be carried or rolled over. It can be a basis for the value of the assignment.
- Track the follow-ups. It is important for the manager to ensure that the task would meet the expected deadline. The system shows updates and progress made by the employees.
- Document and file-sharing. You can save time by locating files easier. Documents related to your task are recorded in the system and enable the user to access it in a hassle-free way.
- Fairness in the value of the task. The value of the tasks is indicated base on the workload and varies depending on the difficulty.
- Human behavior-based system. A task-oriented system that’s also considered the general employees to boost their productivity.
- Helps the manager decide what to do. All the information needed by the manager is located in the task management system. By checking through the system, he can generate ideas and come up with a new concept for the improvement of the company.
- Triggers initiative for employees. Looking at the task tab, the employees will feel the sense of duty to do what was assigned to them. They will become more responsible and feel motivated.
Responsibilities of Manager and Employees on Handling the System
For the manager. The most important role in working for a project is the leader. He is the one who will delegate the tasks and assign them to employees. The manager has the authority to give duties and responsibilities, and so the privilege to control the management system.
On the other hand, company leaders have a lot of obligations to fulfill. Managers ensure that the employees are able to do tasks that were assigned to them effectively and efficiently. The value of the complete task should be a fair, reasonable price. They must be also considerate when it comes to unfinished duties. It can be labeled as Carryover (the value wouldn’t change and would be assigned again the next day) or Rollover (the value will be cut in half). It’s just right for the manager to monitor the progress of the project.
For the employees. The duties and responsibilities of employees are to do their job and learn what they need to know to work safely and productively. Frequently Ask Questions or FAQs tab is available in the system and all they have to do is read through it. More than that, their tasks must be done in the right way and met the desired time. They also need to be fair on the value of work given to them and work satisfactorily. It is important that the employees have their initiative to do chores which is in the scope of their roles. There is a ‘Request Task’ tab for work not listed in the ‘Task’ tab, but they need to do.
The company will run smoothly when the employees are on the right track. In handling the task management system, they should comply with the sense of moral and professional responsibilities.
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