Stay Safe and Order in this is what Marvill’s Kitchen advocates to do now, The Covid 19 cases are spiking up higher than we had last year, and our Health Care workers are already stress and is on the verge of being overwhelmed by the cases that have struck for the past week. In our efforts to encourage you to stay home we will return our PROMO of Buy 6 Take 1 FREE so for every 6 Pcs, your order of wings or tenders you get 1 Wing or Tender for free.
So to make this more appealing now if you order 12pcs you get plus 2 wings or tenders with the same flavor.
Available March 22 to 27, 2021
Stay Safe and Order in Marvill’s Kitchen at FoodPanda
We have to do our part even in the smallest way we can we want to help you to just stay at home and lessen the chances of the spread of COVID 19 for you and your loved ones. Let’s help our Health Workers by just staying at home to prevent the widespread of the virus.
We know that our lives have really changed over a year in this Pandemic and we must do our part to help stop this. We might not have the best results in the past year but we can change this if we start now. Our economy is in danger the sooner we can manage our own safety the faster we can move on from this terrible effect that COVID 19 has left.
We would also like to help our Filipino families in the United States that are also affected of the hate crime against the Asian communities. Comfort them by posting a message with the #STOPHATECRIME4ASIANS we share the burden that has affected their lives there.
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