Web Development Philippines in the New Normal: The world has truly changed a year in limited access to the world has really changed the way we live. The truth is Life will never be the same… however Life has to move on also so we all adapt to the new life and adjust how we make a living. In this new age, a contact-less approach or social distancing is essential. So we say goodbye to the good all days of unmonitored social interaction which greatly affect our income as well.
How do we move forward?
Our only way to make a living right now is to distance ourselves and do business online or work from home. For Businesses, it would seem that the best way is to convert whatever you’re doing right now into online solutions. The problem is due to the socially challenging circumstance scam rate has also increased, thus making that simple online solution a problem as well. This is where web development becomes essential.
Why do you need a website? You might ask.
The reason is simple you set up your website not just for marketing but also to establish credibility and security for consumers. Having a website really does help you even if you don’t use it as an e-commerce platform but establishing your business and brand.
For example, not all sellers who have a Facebook page or shop account can be considered legit business some of them are not even registered or is an authorized retailer which could also be just a scam. Having your website establishes your legitimacy and the official accounts you have for your business thru these several online platforms.
Important things to consider when getting a web developer.
Today we are going to talk about web developers in the Philippines 🇵🇭. Over the years the Philippines has been considered one of the best outsource solutions for web designing and development. Developers can be categorized into 3 kinds here.
1. Free Lancer which by its definition can be a person who takes jobs per hour or per piece, average package for someone who does this from 20,000 Php to 30,000 Php. Cheap right! Actually, the cons of having someone do a website without a company backing him is the guarantee that you will get what you in vision to get. In other words, warranty is always the issue.
2. Small or Startup Developers usually composed of a small team of developers that band together and started a small development company with their skills as their investment. The thing is with skills as an investment the usual problem encountered is the stability of the partnership among each other which ultimately is also the cause of dissolution.
3. Established Developers are companies who have a minimum of 8 years in the business backed up with the company behind them to handle all business matters. This would be the ideal developer to get as you might say they are already built to last. The warranty is always guaranteed since it is backed up by a company. The only downside to this is they don’t come cheap but there is a reason for this having companies that are well established gives you the comfort of knowing that you will get what you want.
The 2nd and 3rd kind of developer budgets range from 40,000 Php to 100,000 Php.
Which developer is for you?
This will always come down to how much is your budget for what you want to have for your website? Keep in mind if you pay for peanuts 🥜 most of the time you get monkeys 🐒. The guarantee will never be there which is the most important one.
Analyze your business first because your website is your online office or representation of what your business should look like. This is especially true to huge corporations that are well presented physically and yet they want to get a cheap website which would probably misrepresent your company on the web.
Why do I have to get a team rather than just getting one person?
These are often the mistakes that persons make in the selection process, to put it in context no man is an island, this is true don’t assume that a website is so simple that one person can possess all the skills needed to get your site on top. In layman’s terms no matter how good or skilled one person is he will never finish a building in one day. This is the same in web development some people are skilled in designing but bad in functions, vice versa some are really good at coding but not good at designing. Lastly, some are good at design or coding but never good in the market approach for your brand.
This is the reason that some agencies don’t do all of these services in one place because those that value quality will not be greedy enough to just take all these services and declare themselves as experts.
So how do I select the proper developer for me here in the Philippines?
1. Know who or what you represent in the real world.
2. Maintain a balance between your physical representation and your cyber presence.
3. Keep in mind that your website is your front door to lead people in.
4. Keep it simple first and work thru what you need. Identify if you need functions for your website or just design.
5. Lastly Select the kind of developer that can address your needs.
To sum this up web developers in the Philippines are still considered good and probably one of the best in the world. What we can say is if there is one country that can communicate properly with other countries the Philippines is one that has the highest rating in the world.
Just pick the right one and I’m sure you will end up really happy with your website. If you like this article share it with someone and help them make the right choice.-
– RJVillanueva
Credits Marvill.com
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