New Zealand marked 100 days without coronavirus community spread on Sunday, August 9. They have gone this long without reporting local transmission of Coronavirus Disease-19 case and became one of the countries that successfully eliminates the virus infections. In fact, the last confirmed case was detected on May 1, days after the government eased the community lockdown.
The country only recorded 1,219 COVID-19 cases and 22 deaths better than other nations since the virus entered in late February. The 9th of August was the fourth day in a row that no new local transmission was reported. The total number of active cases remained at 23 and all in managed isolation.
People in New Zealand returned to their normal lives as they can already attend rugby games at packed stadiums and sit down in bars and restaurants without the fear of catching the highly-contagious virus. On the other hand, some are worried that the country may be getting complacent and afraid to be surprised by future outbreaks.
The South Pacific Nation is being looked up to for handling the pandemic well. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern received compliments for her leadership and make it possible for New Zealand to achieve such a milestone in fighting the COVID-19 crisis. They eradicate the virus by imposing stricter lockdown protocols as early as 100 people had tested positive during late March. The country had no takeaways, beaches, and driving outside the neighborhood. They waited for bringing down the curve before lifting the restrictions and the country’s borders are close.
“IT WAS GOOD SCIENCE AND GREAT POLITICAL LEADERSHIP THAT MADE THE DIFFERENCE,” said professor Michael Baker, an epidemiologist at the University of Otago in New Zealand. “IF YOU LOOK AROUND THE GLOBE AT COUNTRIES THAT HAVE DONE WELL, IT’S USUALLY THAT COMBINATION.” New Zealand got rid of the spread of coronavirus because the government knows how to listen with the experts.
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