
Mobile Legends Ranking


Mobile Legends Ranking : Test your ability and cooperation with your team, climb the top! Mobile legends have a ranking system with different tiers. Players might receive a battle point (MLs’ currency in the game) and Season Hero Skin. Here is the list of ranks: see how high you can reach!

Warrior tier. This tier is the starting point of every player. It is the beginner level. players who remain in this tier are still studying the heroes or the objective of the game.  At the end of the season, the warrior tier will receive 1x premium skin fragment, 100 tickets, and 1000 battle points.

Elite tier. It is higher than the warrior tier. Players that remain in this tier might know the objective of the game. The players in this tier will receive x3 premium skin fragments, 200 tickets, and 2000 battle points at the end of the season.

Master tier. Players with this tier are players who know how to play and understood the other building items system of the game.  At the end of the season, Master tiers will receive 300 tickets, 4000 battle points, and Seasonal Exclusive Skin.

Grandmaster tier. The player in this tier has full knowledge of some heroes and item builds according to their assumed purpose of the specific items. At the end of the season, players who reach and remain in this tier will receive 600 tickets, 7000 battle points, and Seasonal Exclusive Skin.

Epic Tier. In this tier, the rank game is now a Draft pick. Players who reach this tier do not just rely on one hero, the team should strategize their pick and adjust their chosen class.

Mythic tier. It is second to the highest rank in mobile legends.  Players who reach this tier is considered a professional with knowledge in almost all the heroes and with the item builds etc. players in this tier are expected to play difficult heroes easily and common heroes almost unkillable.

Mythic tier with 600 points and above is considered  

These are the ranks and few insights of the ranking system of the game, will you challenge yourself and know how high can you reach in this game?

(Mobile Legends Ranking,

Author: Jekka Mae N. Ko

Editor: Charlene Castelo

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