Beauty Scóut is one of our clients in Marvill Web Development Services. It is a new online shop that provides beauty, skincare, wellness, and Scout for a Cause. A perfect one for those who wanted to have or to maintain healthy and glowing skin.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, people are limited to go outside their homes for the threat brought by the rapid virus infections. Aside from a destructive economic effect, this is also a stressful situation for a person who loves shopping and buying beauty products. Yes, there’s a lot of online platforms for that, but customers are afraid when it comes to quality and safety.
Good news, you don’t have to worry anymore! The newest online beauty destination is finally released their skin-friendly products on September 1st. You can now have an organic skincare routine that’s healthy for your body. All the latest trends and top makeup products, brands, and tools were scouted by Beauty Scóut.
They have also created Ritual, a line for special bundles and subscriptions of choice products offered at special prices. Most of all, they are featuring Scout for a Cause wherein a small percentage of sales will be donated to some chosen charities (Bright Faces, Voice of the Free, ICANSERVE, and Steps Scholarship Foundation). We stan Filipinas who are confidently beautiful with a heart!
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